Related Background Reading

Most of the readings listed below can be obtained from the web. The Web addresses are listed below. (Note materials not available through the web may be requested from CRESP.)


1. End State Land Uses, Sustainable Protective Systems, and Risk Management: A Challenge for Multi-Generational Stewards by Michael Greenberg, Joanna Burger, Michael Gochfeld, David Kosson, Karen Lowrie, Henry Mayer, Charles Powers, Conrad Volz, and Vikram Vyas, Remediation, 16(1), 2005, 91-105.

EPA's Stewardship Guidance and Post-Construction Completion Strategy Documents

2. US EPA. Long-term Stewardship: Ensuring Environmental Site Cleanups Remain Protective over Time: Challenges and Opportunities Facing EPA's Cleanup Programs, A Report by the Long-term Stewardship Task Force, September 2005

3. US EPA. National Strategy to Manage Post Construction Completion Activities at Superfund Sites (OSWER 9355.0-105) October 2005

4. US EPA. Strategy to ensure Institutional Control implementation at Superfund sites (OSWER No. 9355.0-106), September 2004.


5. Robert L. Johnson. NRC's Durable Long-Term Control System to Sustain Site Protection, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards. (Search "ML051300002")

6. Code of Federal Regulations Title 10: Energy, Part 20- Standards for Protection against Radiation Subpart E- Radiological Criteria for License Termination

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards. Consolidated NMSS Decommissioning Guidance (NUREG-1757, Vol. 1, Rev. 1, Vol. 2 & Vol. 3) Hardcopies not Included

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards. NUREG-1757 Supplement 1, Consolidated NMSS Decommissioning Guidance: Updates to Implement the License Termination Rules Analysis, Draft Report for Comment, Chapter II Restricted use, Institutional controls, and Engineered barriers, pp II-1 - II-2.


7. DOE's new Institutional Controls policy
A. US Department of Energy. Institutional Controls Implementation Guide for Use with DOE P 454.1, Use of Institutional Controls.
B. US Department of Energy, DOE P 454.1, Use of Institutional Controls.

8. Readings on Legacy Management Policy
A. US Department of Energy. Site Transition Framework for Long-term Surveillance and Maintenance.
B. US Department of Energy. Office of Legacy Management Information and Records Management Transition Guidance, March 2004.


9. Land Use Controls, Public Health Surveillance, and the Public's Peace of Mind at the United States Major Nuclear Weapons Legacy Sites, M. Greenberg, K. Lowrie, J. Burger, C. Powers, M. Gochfeld, and H. Mayer, CRESP Report, September 2005.

10. Engineered Containment and Control Systems: Nurturing Nature, J. H. Clarke, M. M. MacDonell, E. D. Smith, R. J. Dunn and W. J. Waugh. 2004. Risk Analysis 24(3):771-779. [Not available online]*

11. The Integration of Engineered and Institutional Controls: A Case Study Approach with Lessons Learned from Previously Closed Sites, K. M. Kostelnik, J. H. Clarke and J. L. Harbour, Proceedings of the 05 Waste Management Conference, Tucson, AZ, February, 2005. [ Not available online ]*

12. Using Integrated Geospatial Mapping and Conceptual Site Models to Guide Risk-Based Environmental Clean-up Decisions. H. Mayer, M. Greenberg, J. Burger, M. Gochfeld, C. Powers, D. Kosson, R. Keren, C. Danis and V. Vyas. 2005. Risk Analysis 25(2): 429-446. [ Not available online ]*

13. Guidance for Determining the Best Disposition of Large Tracts of Decommissioned Land, M.A. Carletta, K. Lowrie, K.T. Miller, M. Greenberg and J. Burger, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 47(2): 243-268. [Not available online]*

14. Legal and Related Policy Issues for Integrating Remediation and NRD Strategies at DOE Site, R.B. Stewart, CRESP Report, June, 2005

15. Natural Resource Damages and the Department of Energy: Integrating Ecosystem Recovery into the Remediation Process, J. Burger, M. Gochfeld, C.W. Powers, In Press Journal of Environmental Management.

* Articles may be requested from CRESP.