ARCHIVE DEC. 2018 – content pasted to Reviews-Reports Sub-Page of new site
M. Greenberg, Are Nuclear Facilities LULUS? What Do United States Data Tell Us? Proceedings in Honor of Frank Parker, Nashville, TN: 2008.
Michael Greenberg, Karen Lowrie, Justin Hollander, Joanna Burger, Charles Powers, and Michael Gochfeld, Citizen Board Issues and Local Newspaper Coverage of Risk, Remediation and Environmental Management: Six United States Nuclear Weapons Facilities, Remediation, 18(3), 79-90, 2008.
M. Greenberg, B. West, Karen Lowrie, and H. Mayer, The Reporters Handbook on Nuclear Materials, Energy, and Waste Management. Nashville, Tennessee: Vanderbilt University press, March 2009.
J. Burger, M. Gochfeld, C. Powers, D. Kosson, and M. Greenberg, Managing environmental problems during transition: the Department of Energy as a case study, Remediation. October 8, 2008.
M. Greenberg, Energy sources, public policy, and public preferences: analysis of US national and site-specific data, Energy Policy, 37: 3242-3249, 2009.
M. Greenberg, NIMBY, CLAMP and the Location of New Nuclear-Related Facilities: U.S. National and Eleven Site-Specific Surveys, Risk Analysis, An International Journal. 29(9), 1242-1254, 2009.
M. Greenberg, What Environmental Issues Do People Who Live Near Major Nuclear Facilities Worry About? Analysis of National and Site-Specific Data, Environmental Planning and Management. 52(7), 919-937, 2009.
M. Greenberg and H. Truelove, Right Answers and Right-Wrong Answers: Sources of Information Influencing Knowledge of Nuclear-Related Information, Socioeconomic Planning Sciences, electronic publication, April 13, 2010, volume 44, 2010, 130-140.
M. Greenberg, Energy Parks for Former Nuclear Weapons Sites? Public Preferences at Six Regional Locations and the United States as a Whole, Energy Policy, volume 38, 5098-5107, 2010.