Andrew C. Garrabrants
Research Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Vanderbilt University
Ph.D., Chemical & Biochemical Engineering, Rutgers – the State University of New Jersey, 2001
M.S., Chemical & Biochemical Engineering, Rutgers – the State University of New Jersey, 1997
B.S. with highest honors, Chemical & Biochemical Engineering, Rutgers – the State University of New Jersey, 1994
CRESP Research Interests
- Leaching Assessment
- Characterization Test Development
- Cementitious Waste Systems
- Methodology for Assessment of Material Durability
Brief Biography
Professor Garrabrants holds a doctoral degree in chemical and biochemical engineering and is currently a Research Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN.
His research focuses on development of leaching tests and assessment approaches for estimating the fate and transport of constituents from soils, sediments and wastes. He continues work to improve understanding and achieve acceptance of standardized approaches for environmental impact assessment of solid wastes, construction materials, soils, and sediments. He is a technical lead for the United States Environmental Protection Agency research to adapt the approach of the Leaching Environmental Assessment Framework (LEAF) toward organic contaminants in solid wastes.
Other research interests include (i) beneficial reuse of waste materials in construction, (ii) release assessment approaches for semi-volatile organics in soil/cement mixtures (e.g., in-situ stabilized soils), (iii), physiochemical models for estimating source terms for risk assessment and risk evaluation, and (iv) leaching chemistry and long-term durability of cement-based solidification/stabilization (S/S) waste treatment and cementitious engineered barriers for nuclear waste disposition.
Professor Garrabrants actively participates in the activities of ASTM International D-34 Committee on Waste Management serving as the Committee Chair, Vice Chair and, currently, Secretary. He has served on Expert Technical Review panels to draft regulatory guidance for solidification/stabilization of contaminated soils for the Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) and to review Department of Energy approaches for demolishing and disposition of the Y-12 plant buildings at Oak Ridge. He holds memberships in several professional societies including the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, American Society of Civil Engineers, and the American Chemical Society
CRESP Projects
- Cementitious Barriers Partnership
- Leaching Assessment for Alternative Waste Forms
Kosson, D.S., Garrabrants, A.C., Thorneloe, S., Fagnant, D., Helms, G., Connolly, K., and Rogers, M. (2017). Leaching Environmental Assessment Framework (LEAF) How-To Guide, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, release for public comments available at
Branch, J., Kosson, D.S., Garrabrants, A.C, and He, P.J. (2016). The impact of carbonation on the microstructure and solubility of major constituents in microconcrete materials with varying alkalinities due to fly ash replacement of ordinary Portland cement, Cement and Concrete Research, 89, 297-309.
Garrabrants, A.C., DeLapp, R.C., Branch, J.L., Brown, K.G. and Kosson, D.S. (2016). Cast Stone Materials: Porosity Determination and Relative Humidity-Saturation Relationships, (available at
Garrabrants, A.C., Kosson, D.S., DeLapp, R., and van der Sloot, H.A. (2014). Effect of coal combustion fly ash use in concrete on the mass transport release of constituents of potential concern, Chemosphere, 103, 131-139.
Kosson, D.S, Garrabrants, A.C., DeLapp, R., and van der Sloot, H.A. (2014). pH-dependent leaching of constituents of potential concern from concrete materials containing coal combustion fly ash, Chemosphere, 103, 140-147.
Arnold, J.R., Kosson, D.S., Garrabrants, A.C., Meeussen, J.C.L., and van der Sloot, H.A. (2013). Solution of the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzman equation: Application to ionic diffusion in cementitious materials, Cement and Concrete Research, 44, 8-17.
Kosson, D.S., van der Sloot, H.A., Garrabrants A.C. and Seignette, P.F.A.B. (2014). Leaching Test Relationships, Laboratory-to-Field Comparisons and Recommendations for Leaching Evaluation using the Leaching Environmental Assessment Framework, EPA 600/R-14/061, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC, September 2014,
Garrabrants, A.C., Kosson, D.S., DeLapp, R. Kariher, P., Seignette, P.F.A.B., van der Sloot, H.A., Stefanski, L., and Baldwin, M. (2012). Interlaboratory Validation of the Leaching Environmental Assessment Framework (LEAF) Method 1314 and Method 1315, EPA/600/R-12/624, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC, September 2012.
Garrabrants, A.C., Kosson, D.S., Stefanski, L., DeLapp, R., Seignette, P.F.A.B., van der Sloot, H.A., Kariher, P. and Baldwin, M. (2012). Interlaboratory Validation of the Leaching Environmental Assessment Framework (LEAF) Method 1313 and Method 1316, EPA/600/R-12/623, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Research Triangle Park, NC, September 2012.
Arnold, J., Meeussen, J.C.L., Garrabrants, A.C., Kosson, D.S., and van der Sloot, H.A. (2010). The Impact of Mineral Deposition by Carbonation and Dissolution on Leaching of Constituents from a Cement Mortar. In WM 2010 Session: Performance of Disposal Systems, Facilities and Sites for LLW, ILW, MW, NORM and TENORM.
Arnold, J., Meeussen, J.C.L., Garrabrants, A.C., van der Sloot, H.A., and Kosson, D.S. (2009). The Impact of Mineral Deposition by Carbonation and Dissolution on Tortuosity for Leaching of Constituents from a Cementitious Waste Form. In NUCPERF 2009: Long-term Performance of Cementitious Barriers and Reinforced Concrete in Nuclear Power Plants and Waste Management. Cadarache, France.
Langton, C, D. Kosson, A. Garrabrants, K. Brown. (2009). Reference Cases for use in the Cementitious Barriers Partnership. In WM Symposium. Phoenix, Arizona.
Arnold, J.R., Flach, G., Garrabrants, A.C., Samson E., and Langton, C.A. (2009). Moisture Transport Review, CBP-TR-2009-001 Rev 0, Cementitious Barriers Partnership, U.S. Department of Energy, April 2009.
van der Sloot, H.A., Meeussen, J.C.L., Garrabrants, A.C., Kosson, D.S., and Fuhrmann, M. (2009). Review of the Physical and Chemical Aspects of Leaching Assessment, CBP-TR-2009-002 Rev 0, Cementitious Barriers Partnership, U.S. Department of Energy, April 2009.